
Eva Nogales, Elizabeth Kellogg Structure challenges in the multivalency of Tau‐microtubule interactions Cytoskeleton 81 (1), 53-56

Juan M Perez-Bertoldi, Yuanchang Zhao, Akanksha Thawani, Ahmet Yildiz, Eva Nogales Molecular interplay between HURP and Kif18A in mitotic spindle regulation bioRxiv, 2024.04. 11.589088  DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.11.589088

Wayne Ngo, Julia T Peukes, Alisha Baldwin, Zhiwei Wayne Xue, Sidney Hwang, Robert R Stickels, Zhi Lin, Ansuman Satpathy, James A Wells, Randy Schekman, Eva Nogales, Jennifer A Doudna Mechanism-guided engineering of a minimal biological particle for genome editing bioRxiv, 2024.07. 23.604809

Akanksha Thawani, Alfredo Jose Florez Ariza, Eva Nogales, Kathleen Collins Template and target-site recognition by human LINE-1 in retrotransposition Nature 626 (7997), 186-193

Trinity Cookis, Alexandria Lydecker, Paul Sauer, Vignesh Kasinath, Eva Nogales Structural basis for the inhibition of PRC2 by active transcription histone posttranslational modifications bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.09.579730 (2024/2/10)

Eva Nogales, Julia Mahamid Bridging structural and cell biology with cryo-electron microscopy Nature 628 (8006), 47-56

Paul V Sauer, Lorenzo Cupellini, Markus Sutter, Mattia Bondanza, María Agustina Domínguez Martin, Henning Kirst, David Bína, Adrian Fujiet Koh, Abhay Kotecha, Basil J Greber, Eva Nogales, Tomáš Polívka7, Benedetta Mennucci, Cheryl A Kerfeld Structural and quantum chemical basis for OCP-mediated quenching of phycobilisomes Science Advances 10 (14), eadk7535

Eva Nogales Building up complexity in structural biology studies Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31, 847-848

Zhenlin Yang, Amel Mameri, Claudia Cattoglio, Catherine Lachance, Alfredo Jose Florez Ariza, Jie Luo, Jonathan Humbert, Deepthi Sudarshan, Arul Banerjea, Maxime Galloy, Amélie Fradet-Turcotte, Jean-Philippe Lambert, Jeff A Ranish, Jacques Côté, Eva Nogales Structural insights into the human NuA4/TIP60 acetyltransferase and chromatin remodeling complex Science 385 (6711), eadl5816

Furong Liu, Zhenlin Yang, Chao Wang, Zhang You, Raoul Martin, Wenjie Qiao, Jian Huang, Pierre Jacob, Jeffery L Dangl, Jan E Carette, Sheng Luan, Eva Nogales, Brian J Staskawicz Activation of the helper NRC4 immune receptor forms a hexameric resistosome Cell 187, 4877-4889 (2024/8/1)

Juan M Perez-Bertoldi, Yuanchang Zhao, Akanksha Thawani, Ahmet Yildiz, Eva Nogales HURP regulates Kif18A recruitment and activity to synergistically control microtubule dynamics Nature Communications 15, 9687 (2024).  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-53691-7

Akanksha ThawaniAnthony Rodríguez-VargasBriana Van TreeckNozhat T Hassan, David L AdelsonEva NogalesKathleen Collins Structures of vertebrate R2 retrotransposon complexes during target-primed reverse transcription and after second strand nicking bioRxiv, 2024.11.11.623112 DOI: 10.1101/2024.11.11.623112     

Liang Meng Wee, Alexander B. Tong, Alfredo Jose Florez Ariza, Cristhian Cañari-Chumpitaz, Patricia Grob, Eva Nogales, Carlos J. Bustamante
A trailing ribosome speeds up RNA polymerase at the expense of transcript fidelity via force and allostery Cell DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.02.008

Eva Nogales The tubulin structure, a quarter of a century later Molecular biology of the cell 34 (4), rt2 DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E23-01-0005

BH Ferlez, H Kirst, BJ Greber, E Nogales, M Sutter, CA Kerfeld Heterologous Assembly of Pleomorphic Bacterial Microcompartment Shell Architectures Spanning the Nano‐to Microscale Advanced Materials 35 (23), 2212065 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202212065

Paul V Sauer, Egor Pavlenko, Trinity Cookis, Linda C Zirden, Juliane Renn, Ankush Singhal, Pascal Hunold, Michaela N Hoehne, Olivia van Ray, Robert Haensel-Hertsch, Karissa Y Sanbonmatsu, Eva Nogales, Simon Poepsel Activation of automethylated PRC2 by dimerization on chromatin  bioRxiv & Molecular Cell, in press

Trinity Cookis, Paul Sauer, Simon Poepsel, Bong-Gyoon Han, Dominik A Herbst, Robert Glaeser, Eva Nogales Streptavidin-Affinity Grid Fabrication for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE

Albert K Liu, Benjamin Kaeser, LinXing Chen, Jacob West-Roberts, Leah J Taylor-Kearney, Adi Lavy, Damian Günzing, Wen-Jun Li, Michal Hammel, Eva Nogales, Jillian F Banfield, Patrick M Shih Deep-branching evolutionary intermediates reveal structural origins of form I rubisco  Current Biology 33 (24), 5316-5325. e3

Furong Liu, Zhenlin Yang, Chao Wang, Raoul Martin, Wenjie Qiao, Jan E Carette, Sheng Luan, Eva Nogales, Brian Staskawicz The activated plant NRC4 immune receptor forms a hexameric resistosome BioRxiv, 2023.12. 18.571367

Sauer, Paul V., Cupellini, L., Sutter, M., Bondanza M., Dominguez Martin, M.A., Kirst, H., Bína, D.,Fujiet Koh, A., Kotecha, A., Greber , B.J., Nogales, E., Polivka, T., Mennucci, B., and Kerfeld, C.A. Structural and quantum chemical basis for OCP-mediated quenching of phycobilisome Science Advances 10, 7535 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk7535


Joshua C. Cofsky, Katarzyna M. Soczek, Gavin J. Knott, Eva Nogales, Jennifer A. Doudna CRISPR–Cas9 bends and twists DNA to read its sequence Nat Struct Mol Biol DOI: 10.1038/s41594-022-00756-0

Stefan A. Zukin, Matthew R. Marunde, Irina K. Popova, Eva Nogales, Avinash B. Patel. Structure and Flexibility of the Yeast NuA4 Histone Acetyltransferase Complex. bioRxiv 2022.06.24.497536. DOI: 10.1101/2022.06.24.497536

Connor A. Tsuchida, Shouyue Zhang, Mohammad Saffari Doost, Yuqian Zhao, Jia Wang, Elizabeth O’Brien, Huan Fang, Cheng-Ping Li, Danyuan Li, Zhuo-Yan Hai, Jonathan Chuck, Julian Brötzmann, Araz Vartoumian, David Burstein, Xiao-Wei Chen, Eva Nogales, Jennifer A. Doudna, and Jun-Jie Gogo Liua. Chimeric CRISPR-CasX enzymes and guide RNAs for improved genome editing activity. Molecular Cell DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.02.002

Luke S Ferro, Qianglin Fang, Lisa Eshun-Wilson, Jonathan Fernandes, Amanda Jack, Daniel P Farrell, Mert Golcuk, Teun Huijben, Katelyn Costa, Mert Gur, Frank DiMaio, Eva Nogales, Ahmet Yildiz. Structural and functional insight into regulation of kinesin-1 by microtubule-associated protein MAP7 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abf6154

Benjamin J LaFrance, Johanna Roostalu, Gil Henkin, Basil J Greber, Rui Zhang, Davide Normanno, Chloe O McCollum, Thomas Surrey, Eva Nogales. Structural transitions in the GTP cap visualized by cryo-electron microscopy of catalytically inactive microtubules PNAS DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2114994119

María Agustina Domínguez-Martín, Paul V. Sauer, Henning Kirst, Markus Sutter, David Bína, Basil J. Greber, Eva Nogales, Tomáš Polívka & Cheryl A. Kerfeld. Structures of a phycobilisome in light-harvesting and photoprotected states Nature DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05156-4

Maria Agustina Dominguez-Martin, Paul V. Sauer, Markus Sutter, Henning Kirst, David Bina, Basil J. Greber, Eva Nogales, Tomáš Polívka, Cheryl A. Kerfeld. Structure of the Quenched Cyanobacterial OCP-Phycobilisome Complex bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.11.15.468719

Patrick Pausch, Katarzyna M Soczek, Dominik A Herbst, Connor A Tsuchida, Basem Al-Shayeb, Jillian F Banfield, Eva Nogales, Jennifer A Doudna DNA interference states of the hypercompact CRISPR-CasΦ effector Nat Struct Mol Biol DOI: 10.1038/s41594-021-00632-3

Robert M Glaeser, Eva Nogales and Wah Chiu (2021) Single particle cryo-EM of biological macromolecules. Biophysical Society-IOP series. IOP Publishing. Online ISBN: 978-0-7503-3039-8. Print ISBN: 978-0-7503-3037-4

Robert J Nichols, Benjamin LaFrance, Naiya R Phillips, Devon R Radford, Luke M Oltrogge, Luis E Valentin-Alvarado, Amanda J Bischoff, Eva Nogales, David F Savage Discovery and characterization of a novel family of prokaryotic nanocompartments involved in sulfur metabolism elife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.59288

Basil J Greber, Jonathan Remis, Simak Ali, Eva Nogales 2.5 Å-resolution structure of human CDK-activating kinase bound to the clinical inhibitor ICEC0942 Bio Phyisics Journal DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2020.12.030

Vignesh Kasinath, Curtis Beck, Paul Sauer, Simon Poepsel, Jennifer Kosmatka, Marco Faini, Daniel Toso, Ruedi Aebersold, Eva Nogales JARID2 and AEBP2 regulate PRC2 in the presence of H2AK119ub1 and other histone modifications Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abc3393

Avinash Bharat Patel, Daniel Toso, Audrey Litvak, Eva Nogales Efficient graphene oxide coating improves cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection from tilted grids bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.08.434344

Dominik A Herbst, Meagan N Esbin, Robert K Louder, Claire Dugast-Darzacq, Gina M Dailey, Qianglin Fang, Xavier Darzacq, Robert Tjian, Eva Nogales Structure of the human SAGA coactivator complex: The divergent architecture of human SAGA allows modular coordination of transcription activation and co-transcriptional splicing bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.08.430339

Benjamin J. LaFrance, Caleb Cassidy-Amstutz, Robert J. Nichols, Luke M. Oltrogge, Eva Nogales & David F. Savage. The encapsulin from Thermotoga maritima is a flavoprotein with a symmetry matched ferritin-like cargo protein Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-01932-w

Meng Zhang, César Díaz-Celis, Bibiana Onoa, Cristhian Cañari-Chumpitaz, Katherinne I Requejo, Jianfang Liu, Michael Vien, Eva Nogales, Gang Ren, Carlos Bustamante. Molecular organization of the early stages of nucleosome phase separation visualized by cryo-electron tomography Molecular Cell DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.06.032

Greber, B.J., Remis, J., Ali, S. Nogales, E. Structure of the CDK-activating kinase bound to the clinical inhibitor ICE0942 at 2.5 Å resolution In Revision

Kasinath, V., Beck, C., Sauer, P., Poepsel, S., Kosmatka, J., Faini, M., Toso, D., Aebersold, R., and Nogales, E. JARID2 and AEBP2 regulate PRC2 activity in the presence of H2A ubiquitination or other histone modifications BioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.20.049213

Ferro, L.S., Eshun-Wilson, L., Gölcük,M., Fernandes, J., Huijben, T., Gerber, E., Fang, Q., LaFrance, B., Jack,A., Costa, K., Gür, M., Nogales, E. and Yildiz, A. Positive charge on the microtubule-binding domains of tau and MAP7 inhibits motor proteins bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.22.351346

Martin, R., Tiancong Qi, T., Zhang, H., Liu, F., King, M., Toth, C., Nogales, E and Staskawicz, B.J. Structure of the activated Roq1 resistosome directly recognizing the pathogen effector XopQ Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abd9993

Nichols, R.J., LaFrance, B., Phillips, N.R., Oltrogge, L.M., Valentin-Alvarado, L.E., Bischoff, L.E., Nogales, E., and Savage, D.F. Discovery and characterization of a novel family of prokaryotic nanocompartments involved in sulfur metabolism bioArxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.24.113720

Castañeda, A.F., Didychuk, A.L., Louder, R.K., McCollum, C.O., Davis, Z.H., Nogales E. and Glaunnsinger, B.A. The gammaherpesviral TATA box binding protein interacts directly with the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II to direct late gene transcription PLOS Pathogenes DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008843

Greber, B.J., Perez Bertoldi, J.M., Lim, K., Iavarone, A.T., Toso, D.B. and Nogales, E. The cryo-electron microscopy structure of the human CDK activating kinase PNAS 10.1073/pnas.2009627117

Mena, E.L., Jevtić , P., Greber, B.J., Gee, C.L., Lew, B.G., Akopian, D., Nogales, E., Kuriyan, J., and Rape, Structural basis for dimerization quality control. Nature DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2636-7

José G. García-Cerdán, Eva M. Schmid, Tomomi Takeuchi, Ian McRae, Kent L. McDonald, Nichakarn Yordduangjun, Ahmed M. Hassan, Patricia Grob, C. Shan Xu, Harald F. Hess, Daniel A. Fletcher, Eva Nogales, Krishna K. Niyogi Chloroplast Sec14-like 1 (CPSFL1) is essential for normal chloroplast development and affects carotenoid accumulation in Chlamydomonas PNAS 10.1073/pnas.1916948117

Nogales, E., Greber B.J. and Patel, A.B. (2019) Cryo-EM studies of TFIID structure and its interactions with the core promote COSB , in press.

Greber, B.J. and Nogales, E. The structures of eukaryotic transcription pre-initiation complexes and their functional implications. Subcellular Biochemistry DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28151-9_5

Ghanim, G.E., Kellogg, E.H., Nogales, E. et al. Structure of a P element transposase–DNA complex reveals unusual DNA structures and GTP-DNA contacts. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology DOI: 10.1038/s41594-019-0319-6

Carragher, B., Cheng, Y., Frost, A, Glaeser, G.M., Lander, G.C., Nogales, E. and Wang, H-W. Compendium of current outcomes when optimizing sample preparation of single-particle cryo-EM J. Micros DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12834

Haloupek, N., Grob, P., Tenthorey, J., Vance, R. and Nogales, E. Cryo-EM Studies of NAIP–NLRC4 Inflammasomes Methods in Enzymology DOI: 10.1016/bs.mie.2019.04.030

Liu, T., Liu, J.-J., Aditham, A., Nogales, E. and Doudna, J. Target preference of Type III-A CRISPR-Cas complexes at the transcription bubble Nat. Commun DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10780-2

Nguyen, T.H.D., Collins, K. and Nogales, E. Telomerase structures and regulation: shedding light on the chromosome end COSB Volume 55,185-193.

Eshun-Wilson L, Zhang R, Portran D, Nachury MV, Toso DB, Löhr T, Vendruscolo M, Bonomi M, Fraser JS, Nogales E Effects of α-tubulin acetylation on microtubule structure and stability PNAS DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900441116

Greber BJ, Toso DB, Fang J, Nogales E. The complete structure of the human TFIIH core complex. Elife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.44771

Liu JJ, Orlova N, Oakes BL, Ma E, Spinner HB, Baney KLM, Chuck J, Tan D, Knott GJ, Harrington LB, Al-Shayeb B, Wagner A, Brötzmann J, Staahl BT, Taylor KL, Desmarais J, Nogales E, Doudna JA CasX enzymes comprise a distinct family of RNA-guided genome editors Nature DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-0908-x

Kasinath V, Poepsel S, Nogales E Recent structural insights into PRC2 regulation and substrate binding Biochemistry DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b01064

Jiang F, Liu JJ, Osuna BA, Xu M, Berry JD, Rauch BJ, Nogales E, Bondy-Denomy J, Doudna J. Temperature-Responsive Competitive Inhibition of CRISPR-Cas9 Mol Cell DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2018.11.016

Avinash B. Patel, Robert K. Louder, Basil J. Greber, Sebastian Grünberg, Jie Luo, Jie Fang, Yutong Liu, Jeff Ranish, Steve Hahn, Eva Nogales Structure of human TFIID and mechanism of TBP loading onto promoter DNA Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aau8872

Nogales E Who Mentors Whom? Molecular Biology of the Cell doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-07-0451

Iwai M, Grob P, Iavarone A, Nogales E, Niyogi K A unique supramolecular organization of photosystem I in the moss Physcomitrella patens Nat Plants doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0271-1

Rui Zhang, Benjamin LaFrance, and Eva Nogales Separating the effects of nucleotide and EB binding on microtubule structure National Academy of Sciences Epub ahead of print

Elizabeth H. Kellogg, Nisreen M. A. Hejab, Simon Poepsel, Kenneth H. Downing, Frank DiMaio, Eva Nogales Near-atomic model of microtubule-tau interactions Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aat1780

Thi Hoang Duong Nguyen, Jane Tam, Robert A. Wu, Basil J. Greber, Daniel Toso, Eva Nogales & Kathleen Collins Cryo-EM structure of substrate-bound human telomerase holoenzyme Nature DOI:10.1038/s41586-018-0062-x

Howes SC, Geyer EA, LaFrance B, Zhang R, Kellogg EH, Westermann S, Rice LM, Nogales E Structural and functional differences between porcine brain and budding yeast microtubules. Cell Cycle Epub ahead of print

Vignesh Kasinath, Marco Faini, Simon Poepsel, Dvir Reif, Xinyu Ashlee Feng, Goran Stjepanovic, Ruedi Aebersold, Eva Nogales Structures of human PRC2 with its cofactors AEBP2 and JARID2 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5700

Simon Poepsel, Vignesh Kasinath & Eva Nogales Cryo-EM structures of PRC2 simultaneously engaged with two functionally distinct nucleosomes Nature Structural & Molecular Biology doi:10.1038/s41594-018-0023-y

Tenthorey, J.L., Haloupek, N., López- Blanco, J.R., Grob, P., Adamson, E., Hartenian, E, Lind, N.A., Chacón, P., Nogales, E and Vance, R.E. The structural basis of flagellin detection by NAIP5: a strategy to limit pathogen immune evasion Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aao1140.

Rui Zhang, R., Roostalu, J., Surrey, T. and Nogales, E. Structural Insight into TPX2-Stimulated Microtubule Assembly Elife doi: 10.7554/eLife.30959 Link to video

Cheng, Y., Glaeser, R.M. and Nogales, E How did cryo-EM get so hot? Cell 171, 1229-1231

Nogales, E Profile of Joachim Frank, Richard Henderson, and Jacques Dubochet, 2017 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. PNAS epub ahead of print.

Stuart C. Howes, Elisabeth A. Geyer, Benjamin LaFrance, Rui Zhang, Elizabeth H. Kellogg, Stefan Westermann, Luke M. Rice, Eva Nogales Structural differences between yeast and mammalian microtubules revealed by cryo-EM Journal of Cell Biology DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201612195.

Greber BJ, Nguyen THD, Fang J, Afonine PV, Adams PD, Nogales E The cryo-electron microscopy structure of human transcription factor IIH Nature cdoi: 10.1038/nature23903.

Wright AV, Liu JJ, Knott GJ, Doxzen KW, Nogales E and Doudna JA Structures of the CRISPR genome integration complex. Science doi: 10.1126/science.aao0679.

Shin J, Jiang F, Liu JJ, Bray NL, Rauch BJ, Baik SH, Nogales E, Bondy-Denomy J, Corn JE, Doudna JA. Disabling Cas9 by an anti-CRISPR DNA mimic Science Advances doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1701620.

Nogales E. and Kellogg,E.H. Challenges and opportunities in the high-resolution cryo-EM visualization of microtubules and their binding partners Current Opinion in Structural Biology doi: 10.1016/

Elizabeth H. Kellogg, Nisreen M.A. Hejab, Stuart Howes, Peter Northcote, John H. Miller, J. Fernando Díaz, Kenneth H. Downing, Eva Nogales Insights into the Distinct Mechanisms of Action of Taxane and Non-Taxane Microtubule Stabilizers from Cryo-EM Structures Journal of Molecular Biology doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2017.01.001. Link to audio-slides

Xu, C.S., Hayworth, K.J., Lu, Z., Grob, P.,Hassan, A., Garcia Cerdan, J.G., Niyogi, K.K., Nogales, E., Weinberg, R.J. and Hess, H.F. Enhanced FIB-SEM systems for large-volume 3D imaging eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.25916.

Nogales E., Louder R.K. and He Y. Structural Insights into the Eukaryotic Transcription Initiation Machinery Annual Review of Biophysics doi: 10.1146/annurev-biophys-070816-033751.

C.S. Huang, E. Nogales, C. Ciferri Molecular Architecture of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Polycomb Group Proteins doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809737-3.00008-8

Nogales, Fang J, Louder RK. (2016) Structural dynamics and DNA interaction of human TFIID. Transcription ePub ahead of print.

Booth, E.A, Sterling, S.M., Dovala, D., Nogales, E. and Thorner, J. (2016) Effects of Bni5 Binding on Septin Filament Organization. Journal of Molecular Biology ePub ahead of print.

Nogales , E. (2016) Dear microtubule, I see you. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27:3202-3204.

Hurley, J.H. and Nogales, E. (2016) Next-generation electron microscopy in autophagy research. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 41:211-216.

Nogales E, Louder RK, He Y (2016) Cryo-EM in the study of challenging systems: the human transcription pre-initiation complex. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 40:120-127.

Hurley JH, Nogales E (2016) Next-generation electron microscopy in autophagy research. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 41:212-216.

Hochstrasser ML, Taylor DW, Kornfeld JE, Nogales E, Doudna JA (2016) DNA Targeting by a Minimal CRISPR RNA-Guided Cascade. Molecular Cell 63(5):840-51.

Kellogg EH, Howes S, Ti SC, Ramirez-Aportela E, Kapoor TM, Chacon P, Nogales E. (2016) Near-atomic cryo-EM structure of PRC1 bound to the microtubule. Proc National Academy of Sciences 113(34):9430-9.

Finnigan GC, Sterling SM, Duvalyan A, Liao EN, Sargsyan A, Garcia G, Nogales E, Thorner J. (2016) Coordinate action of distinct sequence elements localizes checkpoint kinase Hsl1 to the septin collar at the bud neck in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Biology of Cell 27(14):2213-33.

He Y, Yan C, Fang J, Inouye C, Tjian R, Ivanov I, Nogales E. (2016) Near-atomic resolution visualization of human transcription promoter opening. Nature 533(7603):359-65.

Borisy G, Heald R, Howard J, Janke C, Musacchio A, Nogales E. (2016) Microtubules: 50 years on from the discovery of tubulin. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 17(5):322-8.

Bertin A, Nogales E (2016) Preparing recombinant yeast septins and their analysis by electron microscopy. 27(14):2213-33.

Ti SC, Pamula MC, Howes SC, Duellberg C, Cade NI, Kleiner RE, Forth S, Surrey T, Nogales E, Kapoor TM. (2016) Mutations in Human Tubulin Proximal to the Kinesin-Binding Site Alter Dynamic Instability at Microtubule Plus- and Minus-Ends. Development Cell 37(1):72-84.

Louder RK, He Y, López lanco JR, Fang J, Chacón, Nogales E (2016) Structure of promoter-bound TFIID and model of human pre-initiation complex assembly. Nature 531(7596):604-9.

Garcia G , Finnigan GC, Heasley LR, Sterling SM, Aggarwal A, Pearson CG, Nogales E, McMurray MA, Thorner J. (2016) Assembly, molecular organization, and membrane-binding properties of development-specific septins. J Cell Biol Feb 29;212(5):515-29.

F. Jiang*, D.W. Taylor*, J.S. Chen, J.E. Kornfeld, K. Zhou, A.J. Thompson, E. Nogales, J.A. Doudna (2016) Structures of a CRISPR-Cas9 R-loop complex primed for DNA cleavage. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

Zhang, R., Nogales, E. (2016) Visualizing Microtubule Structural Transitions and Interactions with Associated Proteins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 37 90-96 10.1016

Nogales, E. (2016) The development of cryo-EM into a main-stream structural biology technique. Nature Methods.

Feng, R., Sang, Q., Kuang, Y.3*, Sun, X., Yan, Z., Zhang, S., Shi, J., Tian, G., Luchniak, A., Fukuda, Y., Li, B., Yu, M., Chen, J., Xu, Y., Guo, L., Qu, R., Sun, Z., Liu, M., Shi, H., Wang, H., Feng, Y., Shao, R., Chai, R., Li, Q., Zhao, X., Xing, Q., Sun, Q., Zhang, R., Nogales, E., Jin, L., He, L., Gupta, M.L., Cowan, N.J. and Wang, L. (2016) A vital role for TUBB8 in human oocyte meiotic spindle assembly and maturation. New England Journal of Medicine.

Zhang, E.T., He, Y., Grob, P., Fong, Y.W., Nogales, E. and Tjian, R. (2015) Architecture of the Human XPC DNA repair and Stem Cell Coactivator Complex. PNAS, 2015 Dec 1;112(48):14817-22.

Ciferri, C., Lander, G.C. and Nogales, E. (2015) Protein domain mapping by internal labeling and single particle electron microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology, 2015 Sep 30. pii: S1047-8477(15)30071-X

Zhang, R. and Nogales, E. (2015) A new protocol to accurately determine microtubule lattice seam location. Journal of Structural Biology, 2015 Sep 28. pii: S1047-8477(15)30070-8

Nogales, E. (2015) An Electron Microscopy Journey in the Study of Microtubule Structure and Dynamics. Protein Science, in press

Bertin, A. and Nogales, E. (2015) Characterization of Septin Ultrastructure in Budding Yeast Using Electron Tomography. Methods Mol. Biol., 2015;1369:113-23

Zhang, R, Alushin, GM, Brown, A. and Nogales E. (2015) Mechanistic origin of microtubule dynamic instability and its modulation by EB proteins. Cell 2015 Aug 13;162(4):849-59

Nogales E, Sedwick C. (2015) Eva Nogales: See how they run. J Cell Biol. 2015 May 25;209(4):472-3

Nogales E, Scheres SH (2015) Cryo-EM: A Unique Tool for the Visualization of Macromolecular Complexity. Mol Cell. 2015; May 21;58(4):677-689

Taylor DW, Zhu Y, Staals RH, Kornfeld JE, Shinkai A, van der Oost J, Nogales E, Doudna JA. (2015) Structures of the CRISPR-Cmr complex reveal mode of RNA target positioning. Science 2015 May 1;348(6234):581-5

Sulochanadevi Baskaran, Lars-Anders Carlson, Goran Stjepanovic, Lindsey N Young, Do Jin Kim, Patricia Grob, Robin E Stanley, Eva Nogales, James H Hurley (2014) Architecture and dynamics of the autophagic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex. eLife 2014;10.7554/eLife.05115

Raymond H.J. Staals, Yifan Zhu, David W. Taylor, Jack E. Kornfeld, Kundan Sharma, Arjan Barendregt, Jasper J. Koehorst, Marnix Vlot, Nirajan Neupane, Koen Varossieau, Keiko Sakamoto, Takehiro Suzuki, Naoshi Dohmae, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Peter J. Schaap, Henning Urlaub, Albert J.R. Heck, Eva Nogales, Jennifer A. Doudna, Akeo Shinkai, John van der Oost (2014) RNA Targeting by the Type III-A CRISPR-Cas Csm Complex of Thermus thermophilus. Mol Cell 56, 518-539

Nakamura M, Chen L, Howes SC, Schindler TD, Nogales E, Bryant Z. (2014) Remote control of myosin and kinesin motors using light-activated gearshifting. Nat Nanotechnol. 9, 693-7

Onoa B, Schneider AR, Brooks MD, Grob P, Nogales E, Geissler PL, Niyogi KK, Bustamante C. (2014) Atomic Force Microscopy of Photosystem II and Its Unit Cell Clustering Quantitatively Delineate the Mesoscale Variability in Arabidopsis Thylakoids. PLoS One 2014 Jul 9; 9(7):e101470 eCollection

Clausen CH, Brooks MD, Li TD, Grob P, Kemalyan G, Nogales E, Niyogi KK, Fletcher DA. (2014) Dynamic Mechanical Responses of Arabidopsis Thylakoid Membranes during PSII-Specific Illumination. Biophys J.106(9)1864-70

M.L. Hochstrasser, D.W. Taylor, P. Bhat, C.K. Guegler, S.H. Sternberg, E. Nogales, J.A. Doudna. (2014) CasA mediates Cas3-catalyzed target degradation during CRISPR RNA-guided interference. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci111(18)6618-23.

Gregory M. Alushin, Gabriel C. Lander, Elizabeth H. Kellogg, Rui Zhang, David Baker, and Eva Nogales (2014) High resolution microtubule structures reveal the structural transitions in αβ–tubulin upon GTP hydrolysis Cell157(5)1117-29.

Martin Jinek, Fuguo Jiang, David W. Taylor, Samuel H. Sternberg, Emine Kaya, Enbo Ma, Carolin Anders, Michael Hauer, Kaihong Zhou, Steven Lin, Matias Kaplan, Anthony T. Iavarone, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Eva Nogales and Jennifer A. Doudna (2014) Structures of Cas9 Endonucleases Reveal RNA-Mediated Conformational Activation Science343(6176)1247997

Stuart C. Howes, Gregory M. Alushin, Toshinobu Shida, Maxence V. Nachury and Eva Nogales (2014) Effects of tubulin acetylation and tubulin acetyltransferase binding on microtubule structure MBoC25(2)257-66

Franziska Bleichert, Maxim Balasov, Igor Chesnokov, Eva Nogales, Michael R Botchan, James M Berger (2013) A Meier-Gorlin syndrome mutation in a conserved C-terminal helix of Orc6 impedes origin recognition complex formation eLife, 2:e00882, Oct 8 2013 Epub.

Musinipally V, Howes S, Alushin GM, Nogales E. (2013) The Microtubule Binding Properties of CENP-E’s C-Terminus and CENP-F J Mol Biol.425(22)4427-41

Michael A. Cianfrocco and Eva Nogales (2013) Regulatory interplay between TFIID’s conformational transitions and its modular interaction with core promoter DNA Transcription Transcription., 2013 Jun 21, Epub ahead of print

de Val N, McMurray MA, Lam LH, Hsiung C, Bertin A, Nogales E, Thorner J (2013) Native cysteine residues are dispensable for the structure and function of all five yeast mitotic septins. Proteins.81(11) 1964-79

Chaomin Sun, Jordi Querol-Audi, Stefanie A. Mortimer, Ernesto Arias-Palomo, Jennifer A. Doudna, Eva Nogales, Jamie H. D. Cate. (2013) Two RNA-binding motifs in eIF3 direct HCV IRES-dependent translation. Nucl. Ac. Res.41(15)7512-21.

Kassube, S.A., Jinek, M., Fang, J., Tsutakawa, S. and Nogales, E. (2013) Structural mimicry in transcription regulation of human RNA polymerase II by the DNA helicase RECQL5. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.20(7)892-9.

Taylor, D.W., Ma, E., Shigematsu, H., Cianfrocco, M.K., Noland, C.L., Nagayama, K., Nogales, E., Doudna, J.A. and Wang, H.-W. (2013) Substrate-specific structural rearrangements of human Dicer. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.20(6)662-70.

Querol-Audi, J., Sun, C., Vogan, J.M., Smith, D., Gu, Y., Cate, J.H.D. and Nogales, E. (2013) Architecture of human translation initiation factor 3 Structure21(6)920-8.

Lander, G.C., Martin, A. and Nogales, E. (2013) The proteasome under the microscope: The regulatory particle in focus. COSB23(2)243-51.

He, Y., Fang, J., Taatjes, D.J., and Nogales, E. (2013) Structural visualization of key steps in human transcription initiation. Nature495(7442)481-6

Grob, P., Bean, D., Typke, D., Li, X., Nogales, E. and Glaeser, G.M. (2013) Ranking TEM cameras by their response to electron shot noise. Ultramicroscopy 133C1-7.

Galbraith, C., Kettler P. and Nogales, E. (2013) New technologies in imaging. MBoC6669.

Cianfrocco, M.A., Kassevitis, G.A., Grob, P, Fang, J., Juven-Gershon, T., Kadonaga, J.T. and Nogales, E. (2013) Human TFIID binds core promoter DNA in a reorganized structural state. Cell152(1-2)120-131

Kassube SA, Fang J, Grob P, Yakovchuk P, Goodrich JA, Nogales E. (2013) Structural insights into Transcriptional Repression by non-coding RNAs that bind to Human Pol II. J Mol Biol425,3639-3648.

Lampert, F., Mieck, C., Alushin, G., Nogales, E. and Westermann, S. (2013) Molecular requirements for the formation of a kinetochore-microtubule interface by Dam1 and Ndc80 complexes. J Cell Biol1,21-30.

Jiajie Diao, Patricia Grob, Daniel J. Cipriano, Minjoung Kyoung, Yunxiang Zhang, Sachi Shah, Amie Nguyen, Mark Padolina, Ankita Srivastava, Marija Vrljic, Ankita Shah, Eva Nogales, Steven Chu, Axel T. Brunger (2012) Synaptic proteins promote calcium-triggered fast transition from point contact to full fusion. eLife, 1:e00109 Dec 13 2012 Epub.

Gregory M. Alushin, Vivek Musinipally, Daniel Matson, John Tooley, P. Todd Stukenberg, and Eva Nogales (2012) Multi-modal microtubule binding by the Ndc80 kinetochore complex. NSMB19(11)1161-7.

Claudio Ciferri, Gabriel C. Lander, Alessio Maiolica, Franz Herzog, Ruedi Aebersold and Eva Nogales (2012) Molecular architecture of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2. eLife, 1:e00005 Oct 30 2012 Epub.

Aurélie Bertin and Eva Nogales (2012)
Septin filament organization in saccharomyces cerevisiae. 
Communicative & Integrative Biology5, 1-3

Lander GC, Saibil HR, Nogales E. (2012) Go hybrid: EM, crystallography, and beyond. Curr Opin Struct Biol.22(5) 627-35

Wu, Z., Nogales, E. and Xing, J. (2012) Comparative Studies of Microtubule Mechanics with Two Competing Models Suggest Functional Roles of Alternative Tubulin Lateral Interactions. Biophys. J.102(12) 2687-96

Querol-Audí J., Yan, C., Xu, X., Tsutakawa, S.E., Tsai, M-S., Tainer, J.A., Cooper, P.K., Nogales, E., Ivanov, I. (2012) Repair complexes of FEN1, DNA and Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 are distinguished from their PCNA counterparts by functionally important stability. PNAS109(22) 8528-33

Hudak JE, Barfield RM, de Hart GW, Grob P, Nogales E, Bertozzi CR, Rabuka D. (2012) Synthesis of Heterobifunctional Protein Fusions Using Copper-Free Click Chemistry and the Aldehyde Tag. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.51(17), 4161-5.

Patel, K., Nogales, E. and Heald R (2012) Multiple domains of human CLASP contribute to microtubule dynamics and organization in vitro and in Xenopus egg extracts Cytoskeleton 69, 155-165

Lander, G.C., Estrin, E., Matyskiela, M.E., Bashore, C., Nogales, E. and Martin, A. (2012) Complete subunit architecture of the proteosome regulatory particle. Nature482 186-91

Bonacci W, Teng PK, Afonso B, Niederholtmeyer H, Grob P, Silver PA, Savage DF (2012) Modularity of a carbon-fixing protein organelle. Proc Natl Acad Sci109(2) 478-83

Bertin, A., MacMurray, M., Pierson, J., Thai, L., MacDonald, K., Zerh, E., Peters, P., Garcia III, G., Thorner, J. and Nogales, E. (2012) Three-dimensional ultrastructure of the septin filament network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MBoC 23 423-432

Grob, P., Zhang, T.T., Hannah, R., Yang, H., Hefferin, M.L., Tomkinson, A.E. and Nogales, E. (2012) Electron microscopy visualization of DNA-protein complexes formed by Ku and DNA ligase IV. DNA Repair 11, 74-81

Sun, C., Todorovic, A., Querol-Audi, J., Bai, Y., Villa, N., Snyder, M., Ashchyan, J., Lewis, C., Hartland, A., Gradia, S., Fraser, C., Doudna, J.A., Nogales, E. and Cate (2011) J.H.D. Functional reconstitution of the 13-subunit human translation initiation factor elF3. PNAS 108, 20473-6.

Garcia G 3rd, Bertin A, Li Z, Song Y, McMurray MA, Thorner J, Nogales E. (2011) Subunit-dependent modulation of septin assembly: budding yeast septin Shs1 promotes ring and gauze formation. J.Cell Biol. 195,993-1004, Focus article on the same issue.

Ramey VH, Wong A, Fang J, Howes S, Barnes G, Nogales E. (2011) Subunit organization in the Dam1 kinetochore complex and its ring around microtubules. Mol Biol Cell. 22, 4335-42

Wiedenheft B, Lander GC, Zhou K, Jore MM, Brouns SJ, van der Oost J, Doudna JA, Nogales E. (2011) Structures of the RNA-guided surveillance complex from a bacterial immune system. Nature 477, 486-9.

Alushin G, Nogales E. (2011) Visualizing kinetochore architecture. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 21, 661-9

Núñez-Ramirez R, Klinge S, Sauguet L, Melero R, Recuero-Checa MA, Kilkenny M, Perera RL, García-Alvarez B, Hall RJ, Nogales E, Pellegrini L, Llorca O. (2011) Flexible tethering of primase and DNA Pol {alpha} in the eukaryotic primosome. Nucleic Acids Res. 39, 8187-99

Kyoung, M., Srivastava, A., Zhang, Y., Vrljic, M., Grob, P., Nogales, E., Chu S., and Brunger, A.T. (2011) In vitro system capable of differentiating fast Ca2+-triggered content mixing from lipid exchange for mechanistic studies of neurotransmitter release. PNAS 108 (No. 29), E304 – E313

McMurray MA, Bertin A, Garcia G 3rd, Lam L, Nogales E, Thorner J. (2011) Septin filament formation is essential in budding yeast. Dev Cell. 20, 540-9

Bernecky C, Grob P, Ebmeier CC, Nogales E, Taatjes DJ. (2011) Molecular architecture of the human Mediator-RNA polymerase II-TFIIF assembly. PLoS Biol. 9, e1000603

Hall, R.J., Nogales, E. and Glaeser, G.M. (2011) Accurate modelling of single-particle cryo-EM images quantifies the benefits expected from using Zernike phase contrast. J. Struct. Biol. 174, 468-75

Costa, A., Ilves, I., Tamberg, N., Petojevic, T., Nogales, E., Botchan, M.R. and Berger, J.M. (2011) The structural basis for MCM2-7 helicase activation by GINS and Cdc45. Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol. 18, 471-7

Screpanti, E., De Antoni, A., Alushin, G.M., Petrovic, A., Nogales, E., and Musacchio, A. (2011) Direct binding of Cenp-C to the Mis12 complex joins the inner and outer kinetochore. Current Biology , <b21< b=””>, 391-8</b21<>

Homung, P., Maier, M., Alushin, G.M., Lander, G.C., Nogales, E. and Westermann, S. (2011) Molecular architecture and connectivity of the budding yeast Mtw1 kinetochore complex. JMB 405, 548-559

Ramey, V.H, Wang, H.-W. Nakajima, Y., Wong, A., Liu, J., Drubin, D., Barnes, G., Nogales, E. (2011) The Dam1 ring binds to the E-hook of tubulin and diffuses along the microtubule. MBoC 22, 457-466

Nogales, E. (2010) When cytoskeletal worlds collide. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107, 19609-10

Downing, K.H. and Nogales, E. (2010) Cryo-Electron Microscopy Applications in the Study of Tubulin Structure, Microtubule Architecture, Dynamics and Assemblies, and Interaction of Microtubules with Motor Methods in Enzymology 483, 121-42

Nogales, E. (2010) Tubulin and its isoforms Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry Vol. 4, 2nd Edition, Lennarz W. and Lane D.(Eds.), Elsevier Science

Nogales, E. (2010) My dream of a fantastic voyage to see the inner workings of the cell. Mol Biol Cell. 21, 3815

Bertin, A., Thai, L., McMurray, M., Garcia, G., Votin, V., Grob, P., Allyn, T., Thorner, J. and Nogales, E. (2010) The phosphoinositide PI(4,5)P2 promotes budding yeast septin filament assembly and organization. J. Mol. Biol. 404, 711-31

Alushin, G., Ramey, V.H., Pasqualato, S., Ball, D., Grigorieff, N., Musacchio, A. and Nogales, E. (2010) The Ndc80 kinetochore complex forms oligomeric arrays along microtubules. Nature 467, 805-10

Tang L, Nogales E, Ciferri, C (2010) Structures of SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes and the Mechanistic Implications in Transcription. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 102, 122-8

Nogales, E., Ramey, V.H. and Wang, H-W. (2010) Cryo-EM studies of structural intermediates in microtubule dynamic instability and interaction of microtubules with kinetochore complexes. Methods Cell Biol. 95, 129-56

Shatsky M, Hall RJ, Nogales E, Malik J, Brenner SE. (2010) Automated multi-model reconstruction from single-particle electron microscopy data. J Struct Biol. 170 98-108.

Nogales, E. and Ramey, V.H. (2009) Structure-function insights into the yeast Dam1 kinetochore complex. J Cell Sci.22, 3831-3836.

Wang, H.-W., Noland, C., Siredichadilok, B., Taylor, D.W., Ma, E., Felderer, K., Doudna, J.A., Nogales, E. (2009) Structural insights into RNA Processing by the Human RISC-Loading Complex. Nat Struct Mol Biol.16, 1148-1153.

Wu, Z., Wang, H-W., Mu, W., Ouyang, Z., Nogales, E., Xing, J. (2009) Simulations of tubulin sheet polymers as possible structural intermediates in microtubule assembly. PLoS One4(10): e7291.

Liu, W-L., Coleman, R.A., Yang, J-L., Grob, P., Ma, E., Dailey, G., Nogales, E., and Tjian, R. (2009) Structures of three distinct activator-TFIID complexes. Genes Dev.23(13), 1510-1521.

Ramey, V.H., Wang, H.-W. and Nogales, E. (2009) Ab initio reconstruction of helical samples with heterogeneity, disorder and coexisting symmetries. J Struct Biol.167(2), 97-105.

Wang, H.-W., Ramey, V.H., Westermann, S., Drubin, D., Barnes, G., and Nogales, E. (2009) The yeast Dam1 kinetochore complex (also known as DASH) is essential for proper chromosome segregation… HFSP J.3(2), cover only.

Scheres, S.H., Valle, M., Grob, P., Nogales, E., and Carazo, J.M. (2009) Maximum likelihood refinement of electron microscopy data with normalization errors. J Struct Biol.166(2), 234-240.

Nogales, E. and Downing, K.H. (2008) Tubulin and Microtubule Structures. The Role of Microtubules in Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Oncology, T. Fojo (Ed.), Humana Press.

Wang, H.-W., Long, S., Ciferri, C., Westermann, S., Drubin, D., Barnes, G. and Nogales, E. (2008) Architecture and Flexibility of the Yeast Ndc80 Kinetochore Complex. J Mol Biol.383(4), 894-903.

Clarey, M.G., Botchan, M. and Nogales, E. (2008) Single particle EM studies of the Drosophila melanogaster origin recognition complex and evidence for DNA wrapping. J Struct Biol.164(3), 241-249.

Bertin, A., McMurray, M.A., Grob, P., Park, S.S., Garcia III, G., Patanwala, I., Ng, H.L., Alber, T., Thorner, J. and Nogales, E. (2008) Saccharomyces cerevisiae septins: supramolecular organization of heterooligomers and the mechanism of filament assembly. Proc Natl Acad Sci.105(24), 8274-8279.

Liu, W-L., Coleman, R.A., Grob, P., Geles, K.G., King, D.S., Ramey, V.H., Nogales, E. and Tjian, R. (2008) Structural changes in TAF4b-TFIID correlated with promoter selectivity. Mol Cell.29, 81-91.

Wang, H.-W., Wang, J., Ding, F., Callahan, K., Bulter, J.S., Nogales, E., and Ke, A. (2007) Architecture of the yeast Rrp44-exosome complex suggests routes of RNA recruitment for 3′-end processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci.104, 16844-16849.

Wang, H.-W., Ramey, V.H., Westermann, S., Leschziner, A., Welburn, J.P.I., Nakajima, Y., Drubin, D.G., Barnes, G., and Nogales, E. (2007) Architecture of the Dam1 kinetochore ring complex: implications for microtubule-driven assembly and force-coupling mechanisms. Nat Struct Mol Biol.14, 721-726.

Hall, R.L., Siridechadilok, B., and Nogales, E. (2007) Cross-correlation of common lines: a novel approach for single-particle reconstruction of a structure containing a flexible domain. J Struct Biol.159, 474-482.

Khodiyar, V.K., Maltais, L.J., Sneddon, K.M.B., Smith, J., Shimoyama, M., Cabral, F., Dumontet, C., Dutcher, S.K., Lafanechère, L., Murray, J.W., Nogales, E., Piquemal, D., Stanchi, F., Povey, S., and Lovering, R.C. (2007) A revised nomenclature for the human and rodent α-tubulin gene family. Genomics90, 285-289.

Garczarek, F., Dong, M., Typke, D., Witkowska, E., Hazen, T., Nogales, E., Biggin, M.D., and Glaeser, R.M. (2007) Octomeric pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio vulgaris. J Struct Biol.159, 9-18

Nogales, E. and Sundquist, W.I. (2007) Macromolecular assemblages: focusing on complexity. Curr Opin Struct Biol.17, 205-208.

E. Galburt, S.W. Grill, A. Wiedmann, M. Kireeva, E. Nogales, M. Kashlev, and C. Bustamante. (2007) Backtracking determines the force sensitivity of RNAP II in a factor-dependent manner. Nature446, 820-823.

A.E. Leschziner, A. Saha, J. Wittmeyer, Y. Zhang, C. Bustamante, B.R. Cairns, and E. Nogales. (2007) Conformational flexibility in the chromatin remodeler RSC observed by electron microscopy and the orthogonal tilt reconstruction method. Proc Natl Acad Sci.104, 4913-4918.

B. Chen, M. Doucleff, D.E. Wemmer, S. DeCarlo, H. Huang, E. Nogales, T.R. Hoover, E. Elena Kondrashkina, L. Guo, and B.T. Nixon. (2007) ATP ground- and transition states of the enhancer binding AAA+ ATPases support complex formation with their target protein, σ54. Structure15, 429-440.

A.E. Leschziner and E. Nogales. (2007) Visualizing flexibility at molecular resolution: analysis of heterogeneity in single-particle electron microscopy reconstructions. Ann Rev Biophys Biomol Struct.36, 43-62.

S.A. Kostek, P. Grob, S. De Carlo, J.S. Lipscomb, F. Garczarek and E. Nogales. Molecular architecture and conformational flexibility of human RNA polymerase II. (2006) Structure14, 1691-1700.

M.G. Clarey, J.P. Erzberger, P. Grob, A.E. Leschziner, J.M. Berger, E. Nogales and M. Botchan. Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in the DnaA-like core of the origin recognition complex. (2006) Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13, 684-690

S. De Carlo, B. Chen, T.R. Hoover, E. Kondrashkina, E. Nogales and B.T. Nixon. The structural basis of regulated assembly and function of the transcriptional activator NtrC. (2006) Genes Dev. 20, 1485-1495.

E. Nogales and H.-W. Wang. Structural mechanisms underlying nucleotide-dependent self assembly of tubulin and its relatives. (2006) Curr Opin Struct Biol. 16(2), 221-229.

H.-W. Wang and E. Nogales. Structural intermediates in microtubule assembly and disassembly: how and why? (2006) Curr Opin Cell Biol. 18(2), 179-284.

P. Grob, M.J. Cruse, C. Inoue, M. Peris, P.A. Penczek, R. Tjian and E. Nogales. Cryo-electron microscopy studies of human TFIID: Conformational breathing in the integration of gene regulatory cues. (2006) Structure. 14, 511-520.

A.E. Leschziner and E. Nogales. The orthogonal tilt reconstruction method: An approach to generating single-class volumes with no missing cone for ab initio reconstruction of asymmetric particles. (2006) J Struct Biol. 153, 284-299.

S. Westermann, H.-W. Wang, A. Avila-Sakar, D.G. Drubin, E. Nogales and G. Barnes. The Dam1 kinetochore ring complex moves processively on depolymerizing microtubule ends. (2006) Nature. 440, 565-569.

B. Siridechadilok, C.S. Fraser, R.J. Hall, J.A. Doudna, and E. Nogales. Structural roles for human translation factor eIF3 in the initiation of protein synthesis. (2005) Science. 310, 1513-1515.

A.H. Sarker, S.E. Tsutakawa, S. Kostek, C. Ng, D.S. Shin, M. Peris, E. Campeau, J.A. Tainer, E. Nogales and P.K. Cooper. Recognition of RNA Pol II and transcription bubbles by XPG, CSB and TFIIH: Insights for transcription-coupled repair and Cockayne Syndrome. (2005) Mol Cell. 20, 1-12.

Hong-Wei Wang, S.B.T. Long, K.R. Finley, Eva Nogales. Assembly of helical ribbons by GMPCPP-bound tubulin and effect of colchicine. (2005) Cell Cycle. 4, 1157-60.

Hong-Wei Wang and Eva Nogales. The nucleotide-dependent bending flexibility of tubulin regulates microtubule assembly. (2005) Nature. 435, 911-915.

Andres E. Leschziner, Bryan Lemon, Robert Tjian, Eva Nogales. Structural Studies of the Human PBAF Chromatin-Remodeling Complex. (2005) Structure. 13, 267-275.

Hong-Wei Wang and Eva Nogales. An iterative Fourier-Bessel algorithm for reconstruction of helical structures with severe Bessel overlap. (2005) J Struct Biol. 149, 65-78.

Stefan Westermann, Agustin Avila-Sakar, Hong-Wei Wang, Hanspeter Niederstrasser, Jonathan Wong, David G. Drubin, Eva Nogales, and Georjana Barnes. Formation of a dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interface through assembly of the Dam1 ring complex. (2005) Mol Cell. 17, 277-290.

E. Nogales. Tubulin and its isoforms. in Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 4 (2004) W. Lennarz and D. Lane (Eds.), Elsevier Science.

M.S. Poruchynsky, J.H Kim, E. Nogales, T. Annable, F. Loganzo, L.M. Greenberger, D.L. Sackett, T. Fojo. Tumor cells resistant to a microtubule-depolymerizing hemiasterlin analogue, HTI-286, have mutations in α- or β-tubulin and increased microtubule stability. (2004) Biochemistry. 43, 13944-13954.

Eva Nogales, Hong-Wei Wang, and Hanspeter Niederstrasser. Tubulin Rings: Which Way Do They Curve? (2003) Curr Opin Struct Biol. 13, 256-261. (review)

Hanspeter Niederstrasser, Hani Salehi-Had, Eugene C. Gan, Claire Walczak, Eva Nogales. XKCM1 Acts on a Single Protofilament and Requires the C Terminus of Tubulin. (2002) J Mol Biol. 316(3), 817-828.

Dylan J. Taatjes, Anders M. Näär, Frank Andel III, Eva Nogales, Robert Tjian. Structure, Function, and Activator-Induced Conformations of the CRSP Coactivator. (2002) Science. 295, 1058-1062.

Heald R., Nogales E. Microtubule dynamics. (2002) J Cell Sci. 115, 3-4.

A.M. Näär, D.J. Taatjes, W. Zhai, E. Nogales, and R. Tjian. Human CRSP interacts with RNA polymerase II CTD and adpots a specific CTD-bound conformation. (2002) Genes Dev.16, 1339-1344.

H. Li, D.J. DeRosier, W.V. Nicholson, E. Nogales, and K.H. Downing. Microtubule structure at 8 Å resolution. (2002) Structure10, 1317-1328.

J. Löwe, H. Li, K.H. Downing, E. Nogales. (2001) Refined Structure of αβ-Tubulin at 3.5 Å Resolution. J Mol Biol. 313, 1045-1057.

Agustin J. Avila-Sakar, Shahram Misaghi, Elizabeth Wilson-Kubalek, Kenneth H. Downing, Helen Zgurskaya, Hiroshi Nikaido and Eva Nogales. (2001) Lipid-Layer Crystallization and Preliminary Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis of AcrA, the Periplasmic Component of a Bacterial Multidrug Efflux Pump. J Struct Biol. 136, 81-88.

M. Katherine Jung, Natalie Prigozhina, C. Elizabeth Oakley, Eva Nogales, and Berl R. Oakley. (2001) Alanine-scanning Mutagenesis of Aspergillus γ-Tubulin Yields Diverse and Novel Phenotypes. Mol Biol Cell. 12(7), 2119-36.

E. Nogales. (2001) Structural insight into microtubule function. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct. 30, 397-420.

Snyder J.P., Nettles J.H., Cornett B., Downing K.H., Nogales E. (2001) The binding conformation of Taxol in β-tubulin: A model based on electron crystallographic density. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 98(9), 5312-5316.

Eva Nogales, N. Grigorieff. (2001) Molecular Machines: Putting the Pieces Together. J Cell Biol. 152, F1-10. (review)

Y.F. Inclan, E. Nogales. (2001) Structural models for the self-assembly and microtubule interactions of gamma-, delta- and epsilon-tubulin. J Cell Sci. 114(2), 413-422.

H. William Detrich III, Sandra K. Parker, Robley C. Williams Jr., Eva Nogales, Kenneth H. Downing. Cold Adaptation of Microtubule Assembly and Dynamics. J Biol Chem. 275(47), 37038-37047, 2000.

P. Giannakakou, R. Gussio, Eva Nogales, Kenneth H. Downing, D. Zaharevitz, B. Bollbuck, G. Poy, D. Sackett, K.C. Nicolaou, T. Fojo. A common pharmacophore for epothilone and taxanes: Molecular basis for drug resistance conferred by tubulin mutations in human cancer cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 97(6), 2904-9, 2000.

J.L. Paluh, Eva Nogales, B.R. Oakley, K. McDonald, A.L. Pidoux, W.Z. Cande. A Mutation in γ-Tubulin Alters Microtubule Dynamics and Organization and Is Synthetically Lethal with the Kinesin-like Protein Pkl1p. Mol Cell Biol. 11, 1225-39, 2000.

K.L. Richards, K.R. Anders, Eva Nogales, K. Schwartz, K.H. Downing, D. Botstein. Structure-Function Relationships in Yeast Tubulins. Mol Cell Biol. 11, 1887-903, 2000.

Eva Nogales. Recent structural insights into transcription preinitiation complexes. J Cell Sci. Pt 24, 4391-7, 2000.

Y. Han, E.P. Sablin, E. Nogales, R.J. Fletterick, K.H. Downing. Visualizing a New Binding Site of ncd-Motor Domain on Tubulin. J Struct Biol. 128(1), 26-33, 1999.

Eva Nogales, Wah Chiu. Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules (Editorial). J Struct Biol. 128(1), 1-2, 1999.

Eva Nogales, M Whittaker, RA Milligan, Kenneth H. Downing. High-resolution model of the microtubule. Cell. 96(1), 79-88, 1999.

Becket Feierbach, Eva Nogales, Kenneth H. Downing, Tim Stearns. Alf1p, a CLIP-170 Domain-containing Protein, Is Functionally and Physically Associated with α-Tubulin. J Cell Biol. 144, 113-24, 1999.

WV Nicholson, M Lee, Kenneth H. Downing, Eva Nogales. Cryo-electron microscopy of GDP-tubulin rings. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2, 175-83, 1999.

Eva Nogales. A structural view of microtubule dynamics. Cell Mol Life Sci. 56(1-2), 133-42, 1999.

Frank Andel III, AG Ladurner, C Inouye, R Tjian, Eva Nogales. Three-dimensional structure of the human TFIID-IIA-IIB complex. Science. 286, 2153-6, 1999.

Eva Nogales, Sharon G. Wolf, Kenneth H. Downing. Structure of the αβ-tubulin dimer by electron crystallography. Nature. 391, 199-203, 1998.

Kenneth H. Downing, Eva Nogales. Tubulin and microtubule structure. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 10, 16-22, 1998.

Eva Nogales, Kenneth H. Downing, Linda A Amos, Jan Löwe. Tubulin and FtsZ form a distinct family of GTPases. Nat Struct Biol. 6, 451-8, 1998.

Kenneth H. Downing, Eva Nogales. Tubulin structure: insights into microtubule properties and functions. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 8, 785-791, 1998.

Picturing Proteins. Berkeley Lab Research Review, Winter 2000 issue.

Scientists Snap First 3-D Pictures of the “Heart” of the Transcription Machine. UC Berkeley Campus News, December 9, 1999.

Structure of Human Transcription Factor Proteins Revealed In 3D. Berkeley Lab Research News, December 9, 1999.

Did you ever wonder about the skeletal structure of living cells? Berkeley Lab, 1999.

Mystery of Vital Cell Protein Solved After 30 Years. Berkeley Lab Research News, January 8, 1998.